Swollen feet are a common health complaint. They are far more common in older adults, but can also affect young people. Swollen feet may occur due to many different reasons, including heart problems, poor circulation, kidney disease, or injury. The best way to determine the cause of your swollen feet is to see your doctor.
The following home remedies for swollen feet may help with the symptoms:
- Take off your shoes and elevate your feet. This will help prevent fluid accumulation and swelling.
- Drink plenty of fluids (water, tea).
- Apply ice packs or take an ice bath - this will reduce inflammation and pain.
- Massage the area around the ankle with a tennis ball to promote blood
What are swollen feet?
Swollen feet refer to an increase in the volume of the foot or ankle beyond what is normal for a person. This is most common in the feet, but it can also happen in the hands, ankles, and forearms.
Swollen feet are usually due to water retention, but they can also be caused by heart problems, poor circulation, kidney disease, or injury.
The most common symptom is a feeling of tightness in the leg and a heavy sensation in the feet. Swollen feet may cause pain and discomfort.
If you have swollen feet, here are a few home remedies you can try:
- Take off your shoes and elevate your feet. This will help prevent fluid accumulation and swelling.
- Drink plenty of fluids (water, tea).
- Apply ice packs or take an ice bath - this will reduce inflammation and pain.
- Massage the area around the ankle with a tennis ball to promote blood flow.
- Put ice packs on your feet before going to bed.
- Drink plenty of water and avoid salt.
- Place a heating pad on your feet for 10 minutes at a time.
- Elevate your legs as often as possible throughout the day.
Causes of swollen feet
The most common causes of swollen feet are high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney disease. Swollen feet can also be caused by injury or an underlying condition, such as diabetes or deep vein thrombosis.
If you experience swollen feet for the first time, it is essential to see your doctor determine the cause. If your feet are swollen because of injury, you may need to see a doctor for treatment.
If you have difficulty moving around due to your swollen feet, it is important to elevate them as much as possible. Take off your shoes and socks and elevate your feet on a pillow or other object. You can also place ice packs or take an ice bath for 30 minutes at a time.
If your swollen feet are caused by an underlying condition, you may need to work with your doctor to find a treatment that will help reduce swelling.
If you have heart problems or high blood pressure, for example, your doctor may advise you to eliminate salt from the diet. For people with kidney disease, doctors may recommend increased water intake and increased potassium intake.
Treatments for swollen feet
- Use a heating pad and wrap it around your foot and ankle
- Put pressure on the area with your hands
- Apply a hot or cold pack
- Wear comfortable shoes and don’t wear any tight socks.
- Wear non-skid socks and avoid wearing high heels.
Home remedies for swollen feet may be used to treat the symptoms of this health complaint, but it's best to see a doctor find out the cause.
Swollen feet are often a result of an underlying condition. It’s important to have an evaluation by a doctor to identify any other possible causes to address the root cause.
The following home remedies for swollen feet may help with the symptoms, but should not be used as a replacement for professional medical care.
- Take off your shoes and elevate your feet. This will help prevent fluid accumulation and swelling.
- Drink plenty of fluids (water, tea).
- Apply ice packs or take an ice bath - this will reduce inflammation and pain.
- Massage the area around the ankle with a tennis ball to promote blood flow.
Medical care
If you’ve tried these remedies and your feet are still swollen, schedule a doctor’s appointment.
If you have any signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, or drainage from the area, contact your doctor. If you have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure, call your doctor immediately.
If you have a fever in addition to swollen feet, it’s important to see a doctor right away.
In conclusion, these three methods of treatment for swollen feet can be done at home and are inexpensive.
Today, we talked about the causes and treatments for swollen feet. We talked about the common causes of swollen feet, as well as a few home remedies that can make a person’s experience with swollen feet more bearable.
So, next time you have some time on your hands, try out some of these methods to help decrease the swelling in your feet.